Jeff Witzeman sits down with Dr. Christiane Northrup to discuss ascension…what it means and what God is doing in the bigger picture right now. Jeff and Chris talk about their unique experiences that led them to this point.
Signposts On The Road To Ascension
She is called the Queen for a reason. And even that doesn’t do her justice. She is, as far as I can tell, fully human, but also fully Jesus in the flesh. I experienced it the first time I met her in Yarmouth, Maine.
I was midway through filming Beliefs & Stories, my 5th documentary film, and met her on a chilly 30 degree day at her home. Based on what I knew about her — award winning author, frequent guest on Oprah, Reader’s Digest most trusted doctors — I fully expected an attitude. I didn’t get it. She was down to earth and as we spoke while getting her hair and makeup done, I could tell that she was more in touch with the common man than the elites in her profession.
As the film interview began, I think I asked her just one question and she was off to the races. Almost her entire riff ended up on the film with hardly any cuts made. It was so good, I knew I had captured what was needed for my film, so I took advantage of this brilliant woman and just started asking her all the questions about my life that I had never had answered…why did my father reject me for my spiritual sight? Why did that scare him? Why could I not save my wife from passing? It was on the matter of my father’s rejection where she was most salvational. It was her mirroring and sympathizing that made me feel so heard and understood. I wept tears of gratitude and healing. I understood for the first time what had happened to me and how that played out in all the things I did in my life and couldn’t understand.
It’s different when someone who has been through the labyrinth of their own shadow listens to you. They understand with a weight that can only be described as spiritual because they give you a gift that allows you to rest for the first time in years. Rest in the knowledge that it wasn’t you that caused the pain, it’s not your fault, it is simply a human flaw on the part of the other person, in this case my father, that I could now forgive.
Chris and I became fast friends after this meeting and became especially fond of sharing voice memos with each other, focusing mainly on spiritual matters and how to tap into God’s path through the tyranny of the moment. My editor Paul says this discussion on Signposts is so deep, he gets something new every time he watches it, almost like it is in code. But the code is only determined by our willingness to go into the depths of our own being and find the love and truth within.
Here’s to your health!

Signposts On The Road To Ascension
Jeff Witzeman sits down with Dr. Christiane Northrup to discuss ascension…what it means and what God is doing in the bigger picture right now. Jeff and Chris talk about their unique experiences that led them to this point.
About Jeff Witzeman
Jeff Witzeman is an award-winning filmmaker, musician, speaker and writer.
He has authored 3 albums with his band Jeff Witzeman & The Jealous Housewives (2000-2012), and 5 documentary films in the last 5 years. He is currently using the law to stop illegal mandates, getting involved in regenerative agriculture and pushing government officials back into their rightful place of serving the people rather than enslaving them.